Is There Something I Should Do To Prepare My Roof For Winter?

As winter is approaching, this is the perfect time to put together the latest home preparations so that everything is ready when the cold and snowy weather will dominate. Whether we are talking about general repairs, switching to a more advanced home heating system or other improvements, it is mandatory that the home be properly prepared for the cold season, for adequate thermal comfort and increased protection and safety for you and your family.

Ellicott City roofing

If you have not recently scheduled a roof inspection, include it on your list and make sure it is performed by a professional Ellicott City roofing contractor, able to identify any potential problems and fix them in time. This will ensure that the roof’s condition is good, before entering a season in which adverse weather is the norm. Changes in temperature and precipitation that usually occur in winter can be really challenging for a roof, so you should periodically check its condition to make sure everything is okay and you are protected.

Effective snow removal solutions for the roof

If not removed properly, snow can cause quite serious problems. For example, it can fall in large quantities from the roof on parked cars or people passing under the eaves, not to mention that it can contribute to the formation of ice dams and icicles that may also cause accidents. Large snow accumulations can put a significant extra-weight on the structure of a roof, which may even collapse.

Building owners and managers must be prepared and have a plan before the first snow. This includes:

  • Ensuring that they have snow removal equipment
  • Contacting a snow removal team to make sure they can get assistance when they need it
  • Ensuring that the roof is ready for winter weather

The cost and time associated with removing snow from the roof are often overlooked by homeowners and building managers – as the experts warn. Make sure you consider these seasonal maintenance operations when you plan your annual budget as they may be quite a big expense.

If opting for hiring an external service provider, building owners and managers should look for snow removal companies that are licensed and work with trained and experienced professionals. Once a company is chosen, the contractor must perform an inspection on site before moving on to the roof cleaning process and possibly installing de-icing systems that will keep away many of the problems associated with the cold season that may affect a roof. These systems can be applied directly on the cover or in the gutter area and will eliminate efficiently and almost completely the problem of snow and ice formation. Ice dams, water leaks on the construction facade and infiltrations will no longer be a concern, the drainage system will be safe and free from ice blockages, and the solution itself is safe to install and to use. A de-icing system can be installed on any type of roof and is one of the best measures to winterize your roof.